As people and plants alike continue to thaw after what seemed like an endless winter, the wait will soon be rewarded with beautiful bursts of lush color. One natural palette of particular note we’ll soon be seeing is the Ace of Hearts Redbud, a new and rare addition to the farm, and one of the earliest harbingers of spring. One interesting fact about redbuds is that their buds are actually deep pink in color and open into pink, magenta, or purple-ish blooms. So why are they called redbuds? Their roots can be processed to make a deep red dye used to naturally color fabric and textiles. Come by the nursery to see this beautiful spring specimen, due to be in full bloom before long! With so much pink, purple, and red — you may just fall in love!
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Do Your Skip Laurels Look Like Ours Do?
No worries, these Skips will bounce back, even after the tough winter we just experienced!
Skip Laurels (also Cherry Laurels, Hollies and all broadleaf Evergreens) frequently experience some winter burn and also deer browsing, especially if your plants are near an existing woods line. They will lose their leaves and look very weak, even at the end of April. This is normal. “Skips” require a significant stretch of warm weather to rally out of Winter dormancy and fully flush out again. It can be as late as early July before the Skip Laurels are back 100%. Removing any dead branches will greatly speed up the plant’s ability to thrive. Patience is all that is required!