We’re heading into cooler weather, and before you know it, it will be time to bring in your house plants! Plan on bringing in your plants about one month before the heat is turned on in your home. Prune back any leggy growth and protruding roots. Be sure to check for pests. Soak the pot in a tub of lukewarm water for about 15 minutes which will force insects out of the soil, then allow the pots to drain thoroughly. Inspect foliage for insects as well and treat if necessary. If your plant has outgrown its container, now is a good time to re-pot using fresh potting soil. If the plant has been in full sun outdoors, move it to a shadier spot for a few days before bringing inside to help the plant make the transition. Once inside, be sure to place the plant in a sunny, south-facing window indoors. If you do not have a sunny window location, the addition of a plant light will help.
Cuttings of many annuals make attractive houseplants in the winter as well. Take cuttings of your favorite geraniums, begonias and coleus and place in water. Once roots form, plant them in containers with fresh potting soil and maintain them. Be careful not to overwater your indoor plants. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering. When warm spring weather returns, you’ll have a jumpstart on another beautiful gardening season.