If the thought of snow makes you shiver, ease your mind with Japanese Snowbell, a stunning tree that offers fragrant, snowy-white blooms as it ushers in springtime.
This deciduous, compact tree can be spectacular on its own or added as a showy accent when planted near a house or patio. Its deep green leaves are glossy and broad, reaching a length of 3.” An upright leaf habit allows well-deserved focus on its clusters of bell-shaped, sweet-smelling blossoms. Flowers transform into olive-green drupes that last into the fall, which offers intrigue well passed its bloom time.
Japanese Snowbell can obtain a size of 20-30” high and wide, prefers moist, well-drained soil, and tolerates full to partial sun. The shape of your tree can be manipulated by pruning. Cutting lower branches gives a more tree-like shape, while leaving them yields a thicker, more shrub-like look. What’s more, as the tree matures, the outer bark begins to peel to reveal a deep orange inner bark.
Stop by the nursery to see how this gorgeous specimen can enhance your garden landscape!